Saturday, August 4, 2007

Sleeepy again

I'm sleepy again, and just haven't been up to blogging lately, to be honest. It's something I enjoy a lot period, just not entirely so right this moment.

The reason I'm so tired today is that last night Brandon and I went to the Palace to not see a movie. This turned into wandering into the world's largest fork, a very speshul statue, and eventaully the Ozarks Empire Fair.

We had a blast, and I'm glad we got to hang out for a few hours. But? Going home and staying up for the remainder of the night playing with the new camera, that wasn't very smart at all. Tonight I'll prolly post like mad while trying to stay up, turning hours back around for work and all, so look forward to moar pictures and moar barely comprehensible mutterings!

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