Tuesday, August 7, 2007

1o5 Degrees Out Today




Billy Idol has this nice habit of putting moods and days in a nutshell. I have a lot on my mind right now and a lot to write, but it's kinda avalanching because of the few days no posting/technical difficulties. Expect a play-by-play guide to Blogger very soon.

For now though.

I've been having trouble with work lately. I won't go into it because that's rude to my employer despite relative anonyminity and all, but basically, myself and about 90% of my co-workers are really uncomfortable at work.

Never treat your workers in a way that you'd be uncomfortable with if you knew they were sharing on the internet. If they keep MySpace or LiveJournal blogs, then chances are, the whole world knows your business practices.

Anyway, that's going to be it for now. My camera ate some delicious pictures of the fountain, Brandon, fair people, and anything else interesting that went on.

By the way- speaking of work, I've finally shared the address with someone from work.

Hi, Nathan!

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