Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hey Kids, I'm still alive!

I try not to blog when under duress (un-amusing duress, anyway... ) so updates will be a little iffy lately.

There's no trouble going on in my life, if anything getting all this sleep is fantastic, but I don't deal with change very well. It's a Catch-22 situation: Stagnation makes me completely bonkers, but whenever something very drastically changes in my life, like say quitting my job, it takes forever to adapt.

When I move to a state with a different climate, I find myself dressing for the old one. When people die, I catch myself leaving them messages on their machine asking how they're doing, we should catch up. It's especially bad when pets die; if I don't put up all the bowls and all that immediately, I keep feeding them.

I'm looking for a part-time job in the Springfield area, and yes, I'm still looking for a pet-friendly roommate. Classes are in the immediate future, and if my brother hadn't sold literally every piece of scrap, I'd be welding again- but even that isn't a horrible thing, because I won't be working in copper, so it'll be easy to come by.

So. We have metal-working, looking for a part-time job, classes, and roommate hunting. In a nutshell.

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