Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Somewhere out there, there's a woman keeps up with her interweb meanderings, has a perfectly organized social calendar, and never ever feels the urge to slap her associates silly just because they have the slappable eagerness of a squirmy, wiggly puppy.

Somebody find this woman for me, I'll pull a Nicholas Cage in Face Off, or at least hire this bitch.

Anyway. Book meme.

A book that made you cry:
Worm, and the Wizard of Oz. The Tin Man gave me nightmares after I read what he did to those mice and that cat with his hatchet.

A book that scared you:
The Stand. I read this book in the fifth grade, and was doing fine until the part when one of the protagonists has to make his way through a pitch black tunnel full of bodies. Since then, scenes from movies that have this sort of device make me squirmy. 28 Weeks Later, anyone? Eugh.

A book that made you laugh:
The Greedy Bastard Tour Diary

A book that disgusted you:
I don't remember the name of the book, but it was one of the first real, gritty, non-pulp crime novels I ever read. An albino girl I went to school with read it with me during lunch, sixth or seventh grade, and during a very graphic chapter including unintentional cannibalism followed by brisket sex, I threw up my square pizza and Fruitopia.

A book you loved in elementary school:
Interview With a (the?) Vampire. The Subtle Knife. It's still one of my favorite books, and I can't wait until the film adaptation.

A book you loved in middle school or junior high school:
When Darkness Loves Us, The Jungle Book

A book you loved in high school:
Psycho, Papillon, The Gunslinger

A book you hated in high school:
I Heard the Owl Call My Name, Romeo and Juliet

A book you loved in college:
The Fox and the Hound, Alex and Alexandria

A book that challenged your identity:
The Yellow Room

A series that you love:
The Thomas Covenant Chronicles. I love these books, and hate that the first editions have been tragically thrown out. My absolute favorites of any literature ever.

Your favorite horror book:
Lord Foul's Bane - see above

Your favorite science fiction book:
Contact Imminent

Your favorite fantasy:
The Black Swan

Your favorite mystery:
The Dick Tracy Anthology

Your favorite biography:
Me - a bio of Kath Hepburn. Alex and Alexandria was another favorite.

Your favorite "coming of age" book:
Ordinary People

Your favorite classic:
Murders in the Rue Morgue

Your favorite romance book:
Interview with a (the?) Vampire

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