Monday, July 30, 2007

I've never had good luck with men.

Maybe I took that old addage about "the fastest way to their heart being through their stomach" too seriously, eh?

I keed, I keed. Today was groovy.

I'm stealing my car tomorrow, because paying for 200 miles of gas a day won't really work well, and the last time I've done that was at 14- six years is time enough for a gal to do something perfectly legal but not entirely honorable, yes?

Besides, I miss my drives to work in the morning.


Yeah, that was another big post about nothing. Today was exhausting and I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, but sleep tonight will be nice and ArtWalk Friday will be doubly so.

A better post will come later, maybe. For now though, I need to finish some work stuff and watch the shitty (but oh-so delicious) Nanny 911 shows.

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