I'm yancy today. Nathan smelled like toothpaste (sh'up, you did D:) and the interweb kept going down, which was pretty sweet. Other than that though, I've been really out of it. I think I stole some tooth paste from WalMart (fuck! I was supposed to be not shopping there), but I don't think so, considering that I'd bought weights and need two hands to carry that shit.
So possible shoplifting aside, I'm in a foul mood and keep thinking up these plans for getting to [aforementioned destination], but thus far, none of them really have outcomes that don't involve living under a bridge and being ground up into hamburger meat by a vagrant or perverted state senator.
Enough about the Kennedy's though, I am having my very own pre-mid-life crisis. Although, they're nowhere as fun to have when one doesn't have the money to squander on fast cars and slow women.
Oh well. Here are song lyrics for the day, they were stuck in my head all day:
a hemisphere with no fear, fly over
the blue yonder where
the sky meets the sea
and eye meets no eye
and boy meets world
and became a man to serve the world
to save the day, the night, and the girl too